Sunday 24 January 2010


and salutations! Welcome to my latest project, my very first blog, inspired by fellow bloggers who are standing up and putting thier opinions and lives out there with eloquence and courage.
It has taken quite a bit of soul searching to decide to write this blog, and it will exist mainly as my safe space. Having lived my meagre 25 years primarily in a state of fear and self loathing, this blog will act as my outlet, where I can rant, scream and kick at you dear people and suffer the consequences when I am ready.
However, I will not subject you purely to the imbitterness that exists within the child of extreme narciccists (I can't spell this word, I never will be able to, so shoot me). This blog will also aim to share my various learnings and opinions on paganism, buddhism, science, psychology, and anything that happens to catch my eye and I wish to write about.
It also, aims to let those who feel like they are scrabbling around in that all too familiar pit of blackness that always comes back to suck us in when we least expect it, that you aren't alone. Having always been the outspoken sort, I never really realised how many people suffer in silence, and I have been honoured to be the one that people have turned to for help in recent months because I wear my heart on my sleeve and say it like it is. It showed these individuals that they weren't alone, and that there was someone who could relate to them. Maybe what I write on here, will help others in a similar way sometimes.
A brief disclaimer of sorts - a lot of what I write will be my own opinion. It is likely to come across as self righteous, arrogant, embittered, and maybe foolish at times. I'm a passionate person, it results in highly strung ranting. However, it is just my opinion! I do not claim to be the almighty holder of all that is true in the cosmos. My writings are simply my observations of the world and how they make me feel. Obviously, as a responsible person, I will not put out any information I know to be incorrect, and will cite all references (books, websites, papers) that I use to create my more educational posts. Please call me up on anything that you disagree with, but do it sensibly. My purpose on this earth is to learn all that I can, so if I make a clearly stupid comment born out of a hissy fit and you wish to correct me, please do so.
There, apologies made. I look forward to writing this blog, and hope that if nothing else, it adds another point of view to the wonderful cauldron of ideas and thoughts that people create in thier lives.

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